Does Anyone Uses Fivver?

Steven Mena

Registered Member
Since fivver is getting pretty popular for freelancers. I just wanted to see who uses it to promote their talents. I have made acouple of bucks here and there freelancing, and I have also used the services that people have to offer.
I used it a while back to write website content. However, I eventually quit because I felt like $4 was just too low of a pay for SEO articles.
The point is that you can add additional services to add on on top of it, for example, I translate languages, 350 words for 5 (4) dollars. But I added for 200 extra words, an extra 4 bucks. It adds up.
I have heard about Fivver and was interested at first. However, the flood of negative reviews made me stay away from that site. I am sticking to blogging and article creation of my own time. For now, it is hard to maintain a client base when I have a rather peculiar day job schedule.
I have heard about Fivver and was interested at first. However, the flood of negative reviews made me stay away from that site. I am sticking to blogging and article creation of my own time. For now, it is hard to maintain a client base when I have a rather peculiar day job schedule.

That's true. It is really hard to maintain a client base in Fivver. But a couple of bucks here and there does not hurt.
I love working on few small and basic tasks on Fiverr. It's not a "get rich" site, but getting paid for simple jobs is not that bad, specially when you have some free time to spare.
Until reading this thread, I have never ever been to this website. It looks interesting but it's weird that all campaigns are pegged for $5. That wouldn't be too commensurate to actual capacities but the offer is better than nothing, I guess (especially when you're really pressed for money).
I still rely on some customers provider services at Fiverr but the quality has been decreased drastically since a year or two.