Social Media Trends for Small Businesses

Discussion in 'Social Networking' started by Samuel, Jan 20, 2012.

  1. Samuel

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    Dec 20, 2011
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    [​IMG]In this video I interview Anita Campbell, founder of Small Business Trends and BizSugar, and author of Visual Marketing.
    Anita shares how social media impacts small businesses. You’ll discover which small businesses are slow to adopt social media and where social media brings the best results.
    Be sure to check out the takeaways below after you watch the video.
    Here are some of the things you’ll learn in this video:
    • Find out what type of small businesses might not get much business from social media
    • Tips for small businesses to use social media successfully
    • Why you need to avoid sending the message “click my junk”
    • Why you need to stick with social media to see impressive returns over time
    • The common mistakes small businesses make
    • What your online place of business says about your business
    • The big trends for small businesses
    • How small businesses are adopting mobile marketing
    • How some small businesses excel at using social media
    • How tablets have impacted mobile marketing
    • What BizSugar is and how to get visibility for your business content
    Connect with Anita on Twitter @smallbiztrends, check out Small Business Trends and learn more about Visual Marketing here.
    Are you part of a small business? Do you use social media to market your business? What has been your experience with using social media? Please leave your comments below.

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