So, you think you know what text is…

Discussion in 'Design & Development' started by Samuel, Mar 21, 2012.

  1. Samuel

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    Dec 20, 2011
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    [​IMG] There is a lot of jargon in web design, as in most industries. But one bit of jargon that most people already believe they understand is the word ’text.” You know what text is, right? But is a Word doc text? Is a PDF? What about HTML?
    When you’re reading a web page, of course, the text is text. But to a computer the text in a Word doc is different from the text in a PDF or an HTML document. In the short run, this means that you can’t write web pages using Word. A .doc file is not text, nor is a PDF file.
    Find out more about what text is and isn’t: What is Text and What is a Text Editor?
    Text Editors and Text HTML Editors

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