B2B, B2C or Just Social Selling? From SalesChaosTV

Discussion in 'Social Networking' started by Samuel, Mar 16, 2012.

  1. Samuel

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    Dec 20, 2011
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    When it comes to social selling, is there really a need to distinguish between B2B, B2C or even B2Z? Not really, says SalesChaosTV co-anchor Todd Schnick, because what it really comes down to is one human selling to another. “These distinctions,” Schnick says, “are all crap.” Hold on there, counters co-anchor Dan Waldschmidt, don’t business sell differently through social media depending upon whether the customer is someone buying laundry detergent off a shelf or a large company considered a complex service?Listen in on the debate in the video below:[​IMG]

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